Special Issue Guidelines

1. Introduction

Special Issues (SIs) are collections of articles that focus on specific, timely, and relevant topics within a journal's scope. They are intended to provide comprehensive coverage of emerging trends, innovative research, and significant advancements in a particular field. This document outlines the guidelines for proposing, organizing, and publishing a Special Issue in Computational Imaging and Measurement.

2. Proposal a Special Issue

2.1 Proposal Requirements

- Title: A concise and descriptive title for the Special Issue.
- Guest Editors: Names, affiliations, and contact information of the proposed Guest Editors.
- Scope and objectives: A detailed description of the topic, its relevance, and objectives of the Special Issue (200-300 words).
- Potential contributors: A list of potential contributors and key researchers in the field.
- Timeline: Proposed timeline for the Call for Papers, manuscript submission, review process, and final publication.
- Keywords: Relevant keywords that reflect the theme and content of the Special Issue.

2.2 Submission Process

Proposals should be submitted to the Editorial Office via email at cim-journal@sciexplor.com.

3. Roles and Responsibilities

3.1 Proposal Requirements

- Required items: Provide the required items listed in the Section 2.1.
- Coordination: Lead the organization of the Special Issue, coordinate with authors, reviewers, and the journal's Editorial Board.
- Manuscript solicitation: Invite submissions from researchers and experts in the field.
- Peer review management: Oversee the peer review process, ensuring timely and constructive feedback.
- Final decision: Make recommendations on the acceptance or rejection of manuscripts based on reviewers' comments.

3.2 Authors

- Compliance: Adhere to the journal's author instructions and Special Issue's theme.
- Originality: Ensure the submission of original, unpublished work that has not been submitted elsewhere.
- Revisions: Address reviewers' comments and make necessary revisions promptly.

3.3 Reviewers

- Expertise: Provide expert, unbiased, and constructive reviews.
- Confidentiality: Maintain the confidentiality of the review process.
- Timeliness: Complete reviews within the specified timeframe.

4. Manuscript Submission and Review Process

All Special Issue articles undergo the same rigorous review process as regular submissions. For more information at Editorial Process.

4.1 Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal's online submission system, indicating they are intended for the Special Issue. Authors should follow the journal's standard formatting and submission guidelines. Find details at Author Instructions.

4.2 Peer Review

- Initial check: Guest Editors will conduct an initial screening to ensure submissions fit the Special Issue's scope, and make a recommendation for next step. The Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor without conflicts of interest with the author(s) will also check the submission, consider the Guest Editor's recommendation and make an initial decision.
- Single-blind peer review: Manuscripts will undergo a single-blind peer review process to maintain objectivity. Note: Submissions from the Editorial Board members will undergo double-blind peer review.
- Reviewer invitation: Reviewers will be invited based on their expertise and familiarity with the topic.
- Revision: Authors may be required to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers' feedback and submit for further review.
- Final decisions: Guest Editors will make final recommendations on manuscript acceptance. The Editor-in-Chief/Associate Editor without conflicts of interest with the author(s) will review these recommendations together with peer review information, and make the final publication decision.

5. Production

Accepted manuscripts will undergo language checking, copyediting, typesetting, and proofing. Authors will receive proofs for final approval before publication.

6. Online Publication

The Special Issue manuscripts will be published online immediately after production work and collected in corresponding Special Issue page.
For any queries or additional information regarding the Special Issue process, please contact the Editorial Office at