Dr. Guoqiang Li received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Hebei University of Technology, Beijing University of Technology, and Southeast University, respectively, all in Civil Engineering. He received his postdoc training in Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana State University (LSU). He is currently the Major Morris S. & DeEtte A. Anderson Memorial Alumni Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Holder of the John W. Rhea Jr. Professorship in Engineering, in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at LSU. He is also serving as the Associate Vice Provost in the Graduate School at LSU. His research interest is in the broad area of engineering materials and engineering mechanics, including shape memory polymers, self-healing and recycling of multifunctional polymer composites, construction materials, structural mechanics modeling of composite structures, constitutive modeling of composite materials, additive manufacturing, and data-driven discovery of smart polymers and optimization of biomimetic structures. As of August 24, he is the holder of 19 US patents. He has 228 papers indexed in ISI Web of Science with over 11,000 citations and an h-index of 61. Based on SCOPUS, his publications have received more than 13,000 citations with an h-index of 63. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, editorial board member for Nature's journal of Scientific Reports, Associate Editor for Elsevier's journal of Cleaner Materials, and Specialty Editor for "Solid and Structural Mechanics" for Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering. He has received over 40 awards and recognitions for his research, mentoring, and services, including LSU Distinguished Research Master Award.
Smart Materials and Devices
Dr. Guoqiang Li received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Hebei University of Technology, Beijing University of Technology, and Southeast University, respectively, all in Civil Engineering. He received his postdoc training in Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana State University (LSU). He is currently the Major Morris S. & DeEtte A. Anderson Memorial Alumni Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Holder of the John W. Rhea Jr. Professorship in Engineering, in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at LSU. He is also serving as the Associate Vice Provost in the Graduate School at LSU. His research interest is in the broad area of engineering materials and engineering mechanics, including shape memory polymers, self-healing and recycling of multifunctional polymer composites, construction materials, structural mechanics modeling of composite structures, constitutive modeling of composite materials, additive manufacturing, and data-driven discovery of smart polymers and optimization of biomimetic structures. As of August 24, he is the holder of 19 US patents. He has 228 papers indexed in ISI Web of Science with over 11,000 citations and an h-index of 61. Based on SCOPUS, his publications have received more than 13,000 citations with an h-index of 63. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, editorial board member for Nature's journal of Scientific Reports, Associate Editor for Elsevier's journal of Cleaner Materials, and Specialty Editor for "Solid and Structural Mechanics" for Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering. He has received over 40 awards and recognitions for his research, mentoring, and services, including LSU Distinguished Research Master Award.