Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering of MOE, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.
Heat transfer and its numerical simulation methods and engineering applications
Professor Wenquan Tao gained degrees from the Department of Dynamic Mechanics at Xi'an Jiaotong University. He has been a professor since 1986 and a supervisor of doctorate students since 1990. Professor Tao has long been engaged in teaching and research on the theory of heat transfer and the numerical simulation and engineering applications of heat transfer, making great contribution to the numerical simulating format and algorithm in the term of incompressible fluid flow field, which have promoted and facilitated the formation and development of computational heat transfer subject. In terms of enhanced heat transfer, he proposed and developed a number of new technologies to efficiently improve heat transfer and get them into engineering applications. He has won the second award of the National Natural Science and the National Invention as well as the special prize, first prize and second prize of the National Teaching Achievement Awards, a total of six awards. He has received a number of awards in China for his achievements in both research and teaching. In 2003, he was awarded the "National Outstanding Teacher" title, while in 2005 was elected as an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Professor Wenquan Tao gained degrees from the Department of Dynamic Mechanics at Xi'an Jiaotong University. He has been a professor since 1986 and a supervisor of doctorate students since 1990. Professor Tao has long been engaged in teaching and research on the theory of heat transfer and the numerical simulation and engineering applications of heat transfer, making great contribution to the numerical simulating format and algorithm in the term of incompressible fluid flow field, which have promoted and facilitated the formation and development of computational heat transfer subject. In terms of enhanced heat transfer, he proposed and developed a number of new technologies to efficiently improve heat transfer and get them into engineering applications. He has won the second award of the National Natural Science and the National Invention as well as the special prize, first prize and second prize of the National Teaching Achievement Awards, a total of six awards. He has received a number of awards in China for his achievements in both research and teaching. In 2003, he was awarded the "National Outstanding Teacher" title, while in 2005 was elected as an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.