Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Intelligent construction; Digital twin; Compliance checking; Construction robotics; Deep learning; Natural language processing

Dr. Jia-Rui Lin is an assistant professor at Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University. He obtained his Bachelor and Doctor degrees from Tsinghua University, in 2011, and 2016 respectively. His research interests are intelligent construction, digital building/city twin, construction robotics, and various AI technologies to create sustainable, resilient built environment. He has co-authored 100+ peer-reviewed papers in journals and conference proceedings, and was selected as the receiver of the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by the CAST. Dr. Lin has served as general secretary of committee of BIM of China Graphics Society (CGS), and editorial members of the Buildings and Advances in Civil Engineering journals. He also served as several committee members of CGS and CECS, and reviewers of 30+ SCI-indexed journals.


Dr. Jia-Rui Lin is an assistant professor at Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University. He obtained his Bachelor and Doctor degrees from Tsinghua University, in 2011, and 2016 respectively. His research interests are intelligent construction, digital building/city twin, construction robotics, and various AI technologies to create sustainable, resilient built environment. He has co-authored 100+ peer-reviewed papers in journals and conference proceedings, and was selected as the receiver of the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by the CAST. Dr. Lin has served as general secretary of committee of BIM of China Graphics Society (CGS), and editorial members of the Buildings and Advances in Civil Engineering journals. He also served as several committee members of CGS and CECS, and reviewers of 30+ SCI-indexed journals.