Department of Computer-Integrated Systems in Mechanical Engineering, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russian Federation.
Virtual reality; Augmented reality; Mixed reality; Extended reality; Computer graphics; Immersive analytics and visualization techniques
Since 1978 - has been working at Tambov Institute of Chemical Engineering – Tambov State Technical University, from 2009 to 2018 - Head of the Department "Computer-integrated Systems in Mechanical Engineering", currently - a professor of this department.
From 2013 to the present - Director of the Center for Prototyping and Industrial Design of Tambov State Technical University.
The main areas of scientific research are: development of theoretical foundations and methods for solving applied problems in the humanities and engineering sciences; use of modern computer technologies in the development of applied software.
Head of the research team, which implemented three state contracts within the framework of the Federal projects "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of Innovative Russia" (2009-2013) and a series of grants, awarded by: President of the Russian Federation (2008-2009), Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (2011-2016), Russian Foundation for Basic Research (2017-2018), Russian Science Foundation (2019-2021).
Expert of the Russian Science Foundation (2014 - present).