Mixed and Augmented Reality Solutions, Department of Cooperation Systems, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin, Germany.
Industrial metaverse; Applied XR-Research; Open standards (e.g. WebXR, OpenXR, OpenUSD); Construction; Digital twins; Human-computer interaction
Dr. Leif Oppermann is head of the Mixed and Augmented Reality Solutions group at Fraunhofer FIT in Sankt Augustin, Germany, which is a part of their Cooperation Systems research department. He is researching into applications of mobile Mixed Reality, web-based collaboration, and ubiquitous computing for intelligence augmentation using a user-oriented cooperative design approach. Prior to joining FIT, he was a research fellow at the Mixed Reality Lab of the University of Nottingham, UK, under Steve Benford und Tom Rodden where he worked on pervasive gaming projects and completed his PhD in 2009 with a thesis on "Facilitating the Development of Location-Based Experiences". Dr. Oppermann joined FIT in 2009 and currently leads the German national project “IndustrieStadtpark” on mobile applications for 5G in an industrial campus setting (see https://www.5gtroisdorf.de/ for more details) that produced a widely recognized Mixed Reality remote-maintenance demonstrator. He is part of Fraunhofer’s roadmap-team on “Industrial Metaverse”.