Table Of Contents (6 Articles)

Can modulation of autophagy reinvigorate T cells in the elderly?

Immune cell aging is associated with compromised cancer immunosurveillance and reduced efficacy of some cancer immunotherapies. The ability to reverse immune cell aging to obtain more efficient anti-tumour reactive T cells would provide obvious benefits ... More.

Inderberg Else Marit, Wälchli Sébastien

DOI: - August 25, 2023

Protocol for a pilot trial to implement diagnostics for clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential into routine clinical care of older patients with breast cancer

Background: Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) refers to the presence of a hematopoietic clone with a common leukemia driver mutation without diagnosis of an underlying hematopoietic disease. The prevalence of CHIP is increasing ... More.

Nina Rosa Neuendorff, ... Bastian von Tresckow

DOI: - August 17, 2023

Are current cancer treatments on target for our ageing cancer population?

Worldwide the cancer population is ageing - within a decade almost two-thirds of newly diagnosed patients will be aged 65 years and older. Despite this, the majority of oncology clinical trials continue to recruit patients who are younger and fitter than those ... More.

Mark A. Baxter, ... Nicolo M.L. Battisti

DOI: - June 30, 2023

Elderly lung cancer patients show tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T Cell responses enriched with PDCD1 and CXCL13 after neoadjuvant therapy with Anti-PD-1

Aims: Aged individuals are significantly underrepresented in immunotherapy clinical trials for cancer. Little is known regarding the immunological and molecular dynamics that might regulate their responsiveness to immune checkpoint inhibitors ... More.

Fernanda Tereza Bovi Frozza, ... Cristina Bonorino

DOI: - June 28, 2023

Is less always more? Emerging treatment concepts in geriatric hemato-oncology

The outcomes of older adults with cancer are still dismal despite some progress within the last years. This is mainly due to comorbidities, overall frailty, and differences in disease biology. The better understanding of tumor biology and immunology has enabled ... More.

Nina Rosa Neuendorff, ... Konstantinos Christofyllakis

DOI: - April 15, 2023

Ageing and Cancer Research & Treatment

Increasing life expectancy globally results in predictions that one in six people will be > 65 years of age by 2050. Because the occurrence of most cancers is strongly associated with older age, a significant increase in the number of older adults with cancer is ... More.

Bueno Valquiria, Pawelec Graham

DOI: - March 15, 2023